Three important things to do immediately after waking up in the morning


There are certain things you do in the morning which matters alot, What you do in the morning, determines how the rest of your day goes sometimes. There are certain things you are advised to do in the morning to make your day more productive and amazing.

Depending on what you do on a morning basis, your day can be ruined or bettered because you are not relaxed.

Below is the list of things you might wish to do after waking up


Most times, our bodies get dehydrated during the night due to perspiration. Drinking  a glass or two of lukewarm water first thing in the morning is so cardinal as this help revamp the lost water.

 Drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach also helps to release all the toxins and hence improve your digestive systems.

Water is essential to life, and your body needs it to function properly.

One trending idea suggests that if you want to be healthier, you should drink water first thing in the morning


Some people might not feel energetic after meditating but it makes one think effectively, smartly and creatively. Meditating is very important in life as it helps one make right decisions, plan ahead and get rid of stress, says Ellen Goodwin, productivity expert and couching.

“Quieting the brain is a time-honored way to be more creative, more contemplative and more in touch with oneself,” Goodwin says.

You’ll begin to notice some of the powerful benefits of meditation, like lower stress, better sleep, more energy, less pain, increased focus and reduced anxiety and depression.

By meditating a mere 15 minutes each morning, you can take control the tone of your day by boosting positive emotions like joy, optimism and contentment. The sense of peace, relaxation, positive energy and focus this brings can help you face the day feeling hopeful, grateful, happy and energized.

It is a great way to clear your mind to enhance your ability to remain focused throughout the day.

As meditation reduces your stress levels and enhances your sense of emotional awareness, it encourages more empathy and less judgment towards others.


Morning exercises is beneficial to every is recommended that an exercise should be performed before any other activity of the day in the morning, it comes  with endless benefits to everyone .Exercise has been shown to improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress

It produces changes in the parts of the brain that regulate stress and anxiety. It can also increase brain sensitivity to the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which relieve feelings of depression .