Three Nigerian students face deportation in the United kingdom


Three Nigerian students studying in the United Kingdom are facing deportation due to late payment of fees

The three students who are studying in Swansea University UK, were not allowed to proceed with registration after late payment of fees

The students Emmanuel Okohoboh,Paulette Ojogun and Omolade Olaitan paid their fees few days after the deadline and have been asked to return to Nigeria by Swansea University

One of the student who explained to the school that her school fees came late as a result of the cash crunch that hit Nigeria earlier this year.

However the university has turned deaf ears to their pleas and held on to the 4000 pounds school fees.

According to one of the students Omolade Olaitan who claimed to have paid her fees on 29th of March 2023 while the deadline was said to be 27th March 2023.

She said she got a mail from her school after confirmation of her payment saying she can no longer enroll because her payment didn’t come in before the deadline

Another student Emmanuel who got admitted for his Master’s degree in Business Management is also facing deportation. He stated that the school management is not compassionate or showing any signs of empathy as he had  to sell his father’s Land and his own  little piece of land to realize the fees.

Paulette Ojogun  was crying profusely in a video as seen on ITV’s website. she enrolled for a marketing program

Swansea University is yet to give clarifications on the issues of the affected Nigerian students.