Too much sex ends footballers’ career faster – Abdul Karim Zito


Combining sex addiction and football is a very controversial topic that has brought diverse opinions among athletes and coaches.

Some coaches and players believe having sex before a match boost them mentally and are able to perform well on the field.

Others also are on the thoughts that footballers are drained after having sex and that affect their work rate during matches.

Dreams FC and Ghana U20 coach Abdul Karim Zito has waded into the conversation and says sex reduces the career span of footballers.

Zito claims sex takes a lot of energy and strength and therefore affects footballers’ playing career.

“Sex reduces the energy and the strength, even see how you pant when kissing too much. You can run for about one mile before sweating but check about how you sweat within two to three minutes when having sex,” he told Tru FM.

“It takes about three days with a nourishing food and custard to replace or regain that energy after sex. How many current players know custard? They don’t know.

“The custard is a yellowish bottled meal which is prepared with egg like porridge. It boost the energy but off late is out of production and I don’t see it again. It helps to regain your energy after three days.

“The moment you sex a woman your blood also works fast. If you have ten years to play a football, sex can reduce it to eight to seven years.”