Top Police Officer Kofi Boakye denies coup plot


COP Kofi Boakye in his chat with DAILY GUIDE expressed surprise at how he could be the one to read a coup speech, an allegation which made the headlines late last week but without any name attached.

Kyiri Abosom

Osofo Kyiri Bosom is the alias for Rev. Christian Kwabena Andrews, Founder and Overseer of the Life Assembly Worship Centre.

He has formed a political movement — Ghana Union Movement (GUM) —whose application for certification has been submitted to the Electoral Commission (EC).

Coup Investigation

Last weekend, news broke out about COP Kofi Boakye and a certain ACP/Mr. Agbozor being invited over the alleged coup plot by Dr. Mac Palme, now subject of a court proceeding.


There was heightened speculation about who could be the top police cop whose name popped up as the one to read the coup plotters’ speech had they succeeded in overthrowing the government of President Akufo-Addo.

Citadel Hospital

The rather largely unknown Citadel Hospital made the headlines when the proprietor of the facility was arrested by security personnel because of an illegal Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) production line was found within the confines of the hospital.

Investigations led to the unearthing of other firearms both within the facility and elsewhere.

Some inputs of the IEDs such as surgical needles and others were acquired at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra.

It eventually turned out that the suspects arrested in connection with the case, one of the serving Colonel in the Ghana Army, planned to overthrow the government. They have been charged for treason and have made initial appearances in court.

NDC Derision

When news about the coup plot made the headlines, former President John Mahama and his party derided it. Mr. Mahama described it as a ‘bentua’ coup.

For him, the array of weapons displayed could not be used for the kind of operation being alleged.

Government sources in a counter claim stated that as the days elapsed and evidence began to be displayed including details which would appear during court proceedings, skeptics would see clearly what really happened in the course of the 15-month surveillance.

Whistle Blower

It took a Warrant Officer’s whistle to alert the security about the plot, DAILY GUIDE learnt.

When the said Warrant Officer was said to have been contacted, he feigned interest but quickly reported the matter to the top of the security hierarchy whereupon the monitoring commenced.

A sophisticated gadget for deciphering details of phone conversations and messages among others played critical roles in the investigation which involved personnel of the Defence Intelligence Directorate of the Ghana Armed Forces, Criminal Investigations Department, BNI and operatives of the National Security apparatus.

Key Suspects

The civilians who have been accused are Dr. Frederick Yao Mac-Palme, a doctor and the alleged mastermind behind the coup plot; Donya Kafui, aka Ezor, a local weapon manufacturer (blacksmith) from Alavanyo, and Bright Allan Debrah Ofosu, aka BB or ADC.

The military officers caught in the alleged coup plot included a senior officer, Col. Samuel Kojo Gameli; Lance Corporal Ali Solomon, Lance Corporal Sylvester Akapewu, Lance Corporal Seidu Abubakar and one WO II Esther Saan, aka Mama Gee, of the Military Academy and Training Schools (MATS), and also a civilian employee of the Ghana Armed Force, Gershon Akpa.

Source: DailyGuide