Tourists from Denmark to begin visiting Norway from 15 June


Norway and Denmark say they will open up tourism between their two countries from 15 June, but will maintain restrictions for Swedes.

Sweden, unlike its Nordic neighbours, did not impose a lockdown and more than 4,000 people have died from Covid-19 there – far more than elsewhere in Scandinavia.

Sweden’s 10 million population is also bigger than that of Denmark (5.8 million) or Norway (5.4 million).

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen argued that Denmark and Sweden were in different places concerning the coronavirus pandemic.

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And at a joint video news conference with her, Norwegian PM Erna Solberg said: “We can’t open too suddenly, that would jeopardise everything we’ve accomplished.”

Denmark is also allowing tourists from Germany and Iceland to visit, though they cannot stay in Copenhagen, which has the most coronavirus cases.

Danes can travel to those two countries too, without having to go into quarantine on their return.