Traditional leader denounces impersonator


Okuapehene Oseadeeyo Addo Dankwa III has publicly stripped Kwesi Addo of his claimed title as Amamprobihene, following two years of impersonation. Despite repeated attempts to address the issue through delegations and summons, Kwesi Addo continued to disregard the Okuapehene’s authority.

In a video address, the Okuapehene expressed his frustration and asserted his rightful jurisdiction over Amamprobi.

He emphasized that the town’s history and his own ancestral ties give him absolute authority over the area.

The Okuapehene stated, “As the Okuapehene, I have the absolute powers over that land. Therefore, I won’t allow that so-called Amamprobihene to disrespect me. “

During the 5th Awukudae observation, the Okuapehene addressed the gathered audience, saying, “Amamprobi is my business. Our ancestors established that place. My blood runs through that town as well. Everyone gathered here, including visitors, and even those fighting us, know the history behind Amamprobi.”

The Okuapehene also accused Kwesi Addo of engaging in deforestation and nuisance, stating, “If he truly works with me, he would have honoured my summons. “But as the Okuapehene, I have the absolute powers over that land. Therefore, I won’t allow that so-called Amamprobihene to disrespect me.”