Trained nurses protest at parliament amid Mid-year budget review


Some aggrieved trained nurses have besieged the precincts of parliament ahead of the mid-year budget review address by the Minister for Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta.

According to a report by, the trained nurses are picketing at parliament over their lack of job postings some three years after graduating from school.

The aggrieved trained nurses say they have become a burden on their families following their failure to gain employment and have resorted to picketing to draw the government’s attention to their plight.

“We don’t understand why we have accessed the portal together with the diploma and degree students and we are still in the house. The degree holders are at post and the diploma holders too are at post but we are still in the house.

“Right now, we are burdens to our families. Some of them are thinking that we failed our exams, which is not so,” the trained nurses wielding various placards outlining their grievances told Joynews.

Mid-year budget review

The Minister for Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, in fulfilment of section 28 of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921), is presenting to parliament a review of the government’s 2022 Fiscal Policy.

This fulfils the annual constitutional ritual for the finance minister to present to parliament a review of the budget after the first half of every fiscal year.

As part of his statement today, the minister is expected to provide details on the performance of government revenues and expenditure for the first half of the year.

He is also expected to provide projections for the remaining part of the year.

Ken Ofori-Atta is also expected to update the house on the current economic challenges facing Ghana and the ongoing negotiations between the government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financial support.

Source: ghanaweb