Trump is a child with ‘doggie doo’ on his shoes – Nancy Pelosi


Nancy Pelosi has doubled down on her attacks against Donald Trump by saying he and his aides have “doggy doo” on their shoes when speaking to CNN. A battle heightened between the speaker of the house and the president after she called Mr Trump “morbidly obese”.

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CDC offiicals have also attacked Trump and his administration, according to CNN. Officials within the public health office accused the president of “muzzling” science in favour of politics when handling the coronavirus pandemic.

This comes after Mr Trump made the extraordinary claim that it is a “badge of honour” for the US to lead the world in coronavirus infections – currently 1.56m and more than 92,250 deaths – as it simply means the country is doing more testing than others.

A federal judge has meanwhile allowed a lawsuit to press ahead that accuses the president and his family business of collaborating with a fraudulent marketing scheme “to enrich themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalised people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small business and pursue the American dream”.