Unknown dead body of a woman found in Koforidua Asokore

closeup of the feet of a dead body covered with a sheet, with a blank tag tied on the big toe of his left foot, in monochrome, with a vignette added

The body of an unidentified woman in her forties has been found dead at Koforidua Asokore behind Odomankoma block factory in the New Juaben North Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The lifeless body was seen by residents of the area around 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11.

Officers of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) in the municipality who received a distress call to that effect hurriedly rushed to the scene with police from the Effiduase district command.

The cause of death is not readily available as police have commenced their investigations, but residents of the area are growing increasingly worried, as this happens to be the 3rd incident in less than a month after 2 women were murdered last month by unknown assailants.

Confirming the incident, Kankam Twumasi Daniel the New Juaben North Deputy Municipal Director of NADMO, said the body has been deposited at the St. Joseph Hospital morgue for autopsy.

“Around 7 pm yesterday, we received a call that the dead body of an unidentified lady in her forties has been found behind Odomankoma block factory at Asokore. A team of NADMO officials and the Ghana Police Service was organised to convey the body from the place to St. Joseph’s mortuary. The case is under investigation by the Police,” he narrated.