UPSA rusticate students over allegations of ‘threesome’ sexual escaped


The University of Professional Studies Accra (UPSA) has rusticated two female resident students for their alleged involvement in a “threesome” with a non-resident male.

The University, in a statement dated November 23, 2021, said the female students fondled themselves “in acts described as Lesbianism” during their sexual adventure.

It noted that the sexual act of the students was not in conformity with provisions in the University’s handbook thus warranting their dismissal from the UPSA Hostel.

“Engaging in acts of lesbianism is contrary to Section 1.28.11(g) of the Student Handbook of the University of Professional Studies, Accra; 2018 and Schedule G 8.3 (23) of the Statute of the University.

“They have since been dismissed from UPSA Hostel awaiting further sanctions from Management,” part of the statement read.

The statement added that the announcement was to serve as a deterrent to resident students particularly to “avoid harbouring perchers, accommodating visitors beyond 10 pm, desisting from sexual misconduct and observing all other rules and regulations in the hostel as well as the student handbook.”

It warned that students caught infringing on any regulations will not be spared.

Read the full statement below;

Source: ghanaweb