Ursula Owusu-Ekuful says Govt committed to equipping girls with Information, Communication, and Technology skills

Minister of Communications and Digitalisation, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful

The Ministry of Communication and Digitalisation has reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to fostering an increased interest in Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) among schoolgirls across the nation.

This announcement comes as part of a broader initiative to ensure that the younger female generation is well-equipped with essential ICT skills, thereby preparing them for a future increasingly dominated by technological advancements.

In an address at the launch of the Ms Geek Ghana Competition, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, the Minister for Communication and Digitalisation, emphasised the significant strides being made to challenge and ultimately change the longstanding perception that fields related to science and technology are primarily male-dominated.

Her speech underscored the ministry’s comprehensive approach to creating opportunities and providing the necessary resources to empower schoolgirls in ICT.

“That perception that science, mathematics, and technology is the sole preserve of men is gradually changing. And we are putting in all the efforts that we can to accelerate that process of change.

“Because we truly believe that once given the adequate opportunities and exposure and training, there isn’t anything that any one man or woman cannot do if they put their minds to it.”