[Wa serial killings] Eyes, tongue of dead security guard plucked out – MP


The Member of Parliament for Wa Central, Dr Abdul-Rashid Pelpuo, has revealed that the eyes and tongue of the 58-year-old security man were removed and placed in a plastic bag after he was found dead on Sunday.

Member of Parliament for Wa Central, Dr Abdul-Rashid Pelpuo

The security guard who went missing last Friday was found dead by a local search team in a shallow grave on Sunday.

Speaking on 3FM’s Sunrise on Monday, September 19, Rashid Pelpuo said he received pictures of the body parts via phone.

He added that he is looking forward to more progressive interventions and investigations from the security agencies.

Last Friday, some residents showed up in their numbers at the Technical Institute to protest the security situation in Wa.

Out of the ten people that have lost their lives, only three bodies have been found.

On Monday, the police released a statement assuring residents they are working hard to bring the perpetrators to book.

“The police continue to maintain law, order and security in the Wa municipality and surrounding communities,” the police said in a statement on Monday (September 19 2022).

“We wish to assure residents of the Wa municipality and its environs that the special intelligence and investigation teams will continue to work around the clock with assistance from the affected communities to bring the perpetrators to face justice. Operations and combat teams have also saturated the area to ensure the safety and security at all,” the statement added.

Source: ghanaweb