We are not funding construction of National Cathederal – Akufo-Addo


Construction work for the National Cathedral is expected to begin by March 6, 2020. This is according to the Board of Trustees of the Cathedral.

The board says the March deadline is to allow it finalize the paperwork for the project.

The board has so far supervised the demolition of structures within the earmarked area for the construction of the cathedral.

The Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Victor Kusi Boateng told Citi News that the board will soon publish the funds attained for the project.

“It takes a while for the architectural drawings to be ready after which the architect will take the architectural drawings to the structural engineer[s] who will also prepare their drawings and they should be very detailed and so it takes a lot of time to really develop the drawings. But by the grace of God, we are very close to the technical aspect of the project and that is why you have seen the demolition taking place, and the hoarding will be taking place very very soon and then construction will start. Construction work will start before the 6th of March. We are putting things in place. Very soon you will see advertisement in terms of contractors, procurement and so on…We are working on all those things.”

The government has commenced demolition of houses of judges located on the proposed site for the construction of the National Cathedral at Ridge in Accra.

It has selected renowned architect, Sir David Adjeye to design the building which has since been made public.

President Nana Akufo-Addo has been sharply criticized over the project with many arguing that it is not a priority project taking into consideration the country’s developmental needs.

But the president, in indirect responses to the criticisms, had insisted that the state will not fund the construction but rather it has facilitated the process by offering the land in question to be used.

While stressing that the decision to build a national cathedral was a pledge he made to God before the 2016 elections, Akufo-Addon noted that the construction will be funded by private individuals and all Christians.

Source: Citinewsroom