We shall protect your identity if you cooperate with us – Police to citizens


Superintendent Kwabena Otuo Acheampong, Tema Regional Crime Officer has appealed to the public especially those who witness crimes of crime to cooperate during investigations as that is crucial for prosecution.

He assured the public that the Police would continue to protect the identity of any person who assisted security officers during investigations, saying, “we need witnesses and evidence to prosecute criminal acts”.

Speaking at the seventh “Ghana News Agency-Tema Regional Office Stakeholder Engagement and Workers’ Appreciation Day,” seminar Supt. Otuo Acheampong said, it was the responsibility of the public to report crimes to the Police wherever or whenever they occurred.

“Crime reportage is a form of citizens’ civic responsibility as it helps in crime prevention strategy, policy formulation, and budgeting,” and stressed that the minor incidents, rape, and defilement, should not be resolved in the house.

According to him, when people report cases to the Police, they should cooperate with investigation and prosecutions, because the involvement of the complainant would help get the needed evidence for judgment.

He said, in criminology, there was a term called the figure of crime, the unreported crime and undisclosed does not help in crime statistics.

Supt. Otuo Acheampong who spoke on the, “Role of stakeholders in combating crime within the Tema Region,” emphasised that it was the responsibility of the public to provide tip-off to the Police on criminals, crime, any dangerous characters or situation in the community.

The Regional Crime Officer said the vision of the Ghana Police Service was to be a world-class Police Service capable of delivering planned, democratic, protective, and peaceful services up to standards of international best practice.

He said the Police Service existed to deliver services in crime prevention detection, apprehension, and prosecution of offenders consistent with the expectations of Ghana stakeholders for maximum protection, safe, secure, and peaceful communities.

Other speakers at the event were Mr Faris Attrickie, General Manager, Technical Operations, SIC Insurance Company PLC who spoke on the topic, “Compulsory Insurance in Ghana: feasible or a myth” Dr Stephen Ayisi Addo, Programme Manager, National AIDS/STI Control Programme who spoke on National HIV/ AIDS Intervention

Source: GNA