We’re busy working on our 2020 election manifesto – NDC


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) says it is currently finalising its manifesto for the 2020 general elections in December.

General Secretary of the party, Johnson Asiedu Nketia on Saturday said that the party managed to get the needed materials from their national stakeholder consultations before the outbreak of coronavirus which has brought vibrant political activity to a standstill in the country.

Speaking on TV3 news analysis programme, The Key Points, he said the 2020 Manifesto Committee “has been working and is still working”.

“We are about finalising the manifesto. You realise that we were engaged in speak out session that has been disrupted somehow, but so far, what we have done has given us sufficient material to manage [with] even if we are not able to finish with the other regions” he revealed.

The party has since last year been engaging the general public, civil society organisations, trade unions, various associations and other identifiable groups in the country to solicit their views in drafting the party’s 2020 manifesto.

The NDC has explained it is seeking to develop what it calls a “Peoples Manifesto” that speaks to the direct needs and concerns of the citizenry.

“The objective is to develop a grassroots manifesto driven by the need to give meaning to our social democratic principles of inclusivity and mass participation in the pursuit of growth and development of our country” the party said in November last year.

Accordingly, the party directed all constituency and regional secretariats to coordinate the preparation of local draft manifestos at the constituency level to address the peculiar needs of the masses in the various constituencies for inclusion into the 2020 political document of the NDC.

Source: 3 News