Woman reveals she went to prison for her husband, yet he still cheated on her


For a woman who sacrificed her freedom and ended up in prison just for her husband, she least expected to find him in the arms of another woman upon her return.

woman in pain

The Kumasi-based woman, Akos (not real name) was inconsolable in the studios of Nhyira FM during the Obra show while narrating how she had been to hell and back due to the wrong choice of her partner.

According to her, the early years of her marriage was full of joy, but the situation changed when her husband took up womanizing as his hobby.

Not only was he spotted in town with women of different complexion and curves, he desecrated their matrimonial bed with his mistresses.

It was one of those escapades that landed his wife in prison.

She told host Mama Effe that she returned from town to meet her husband in active service on another woman.

According to her, she lost her temper and broke the woman’s head with a bottle. While her prey was being rushed to the hospital, her husband effected her arrest.

Akos narrated that she spent three nights behind bars and was released after she agreed to compensate the mistress who had stitches all over her head.

She continued that she thought her husband will take that as a cue to quit his womanizing, but that was not the case.

On multiple occasions, she said her husband does formal introduction for her and his mistress to familiarize.

This, she said shattered her heart and she decided to pack out with their three children.

She brought the case to Nhyira FM to demand alimony and upkeep of their children.