Xenophobic attacks: Nigerian airline to evacuate citizens free of charge


Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs Ministry has served notice that it will evacuate its citizens in South Africa following recent xenophobic attacks there.

The owner of a local airline – Air Peace Airlines has offered to use his air transport company to airlift his fellow countrymen from South Africa at no cost.

In a statement, Nigerians resident in South Africa have been encouraged to take advantage of the move and come back home for cover.

“The Proprietor of Air Peace Airlines Chief Allen Onyema has volunteered to send an aircraft from Friday 6th September 2019 to evacuate Nigerians who wish to return to Nigeria free of charge. The general public is hereby advised to inform their relatives in South Africa to take advantage of this laudable gesture”, the statement noted.

Any Nigerian who wants to leave South Africa has been asked to liaise with the High Commission to complete the standard procedures for the evacuation.

“Interested Nigerians are therefore advised to liaise with the High Commission of Nigeria in Pretoria and the Consulate General of Nigeria in Johannesburg for further necessary arrangement.”