Youth group doubtful about govt’s new pledge on neglected La General Hospital


The leadership of the Coalition of La Youth Associations is sceptical about the announcement made by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, that a contractor is set to begin work on the La General Hospital project next week.

The association’s spokesperson, Jeffrey Tetteh, cited numerous unfulfilled promises from government officials regarding the timely commencement of the project as the basis for their doubt.

During the presentation of the 2024 budget statement, Mr. Ofori-Atta asserted that a contractor would be on-site next week, emphasizing that the project’s funding would now be sourced from the national budget through a renegotiated contract.

Jeffrey Tetteh said the entire residents of the La community are closely monitoring the progress of the La General Hospital project.

“Just a couple of weeks ago, we heard from one government official that the work was going to commence the following week and it failed.

We heard, in the middle of this year, somewhere in June from the Presidential Advisor on Health, from the Regional Minister, and then from the Health Minister that work was going to commence in November but we are in the second week of November, and work is yet to commence.

But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. We still do not believe what they are telling us.”